Tuesday, 23 November 2010

photography timeline

1839 to 1865
Most popular from early 1840s to 1860. Image consists of silver amalgam (highlights) and pure silver (shadows) on a silver-coated copper plate; mirror-like surface; usually encased (in America), often hand-coloured with pigments.
Salted Paper Print
1840 to 1890s
Most popular from 1840 to 1855. Silver image on uncoated paper support; matte surface; purplish-brown, red-brown, or yellow-brown hue.
Albumen Print
1850 to 1920
Most popular from 1855 to 1895. Silver image in an albumen (egg white) binder on a thin paper support; uniform gloss; purplish-brown, red-brown or yellow-brown hue.
1855 to 1865
Most popular in late 1850s. Silver image in a Collodion binder on an opaque glass support; usually encased.
1856 to 1920s
Most popular in 1860s. Silver image in a Collodion binder on a thin sheet of lacquered iron; some cased, usually in paper mats; dull gray with creamy white highlights.
1840s to 1920
Most popular from 1880 to 1920s. Iron salts on uncoated paper support; matte surface; blue image.
Carbon Print
1860s to 1940s
Most popular from 1870s to early 1900s. Image formed by pigmented gelatine layer on paper support; differential gloss between dark and white areas; a variety of image colours possible.
1880 to 1930
Platinum image on uncoated paper support; matte surface; neutral image hue; characteristic image transfer.
Gelatine Printing-Out Paper
1885 to 1920
Most popular from 1895 to 1905. Silver image in a gelatine binder on paper support; glossy surface; warm or purplish-brown hue.
Glossy Collodion Printing-Out Paper
1885 to 1920
Most popular from 1895 to 1905. Silver image in a Collodion binder on paper support; glossy surface; warm or purplish-brown hue; very sensitive to abrasion.
Matte Collodion Printing-Out Paper
1894 to 1920s
Most popular from 1895 to 1910. Silver image in a Collodion binder on a paper support, toned with gold and platinum; semi-matte surface; near-neutral or greenish-black image hue; characteristic image transfer.
Gelatine Developing-Out Paper, Fibre-base
1885 to present
Most popular from late 1890s to 1960. Silver image in a gelatine binder on a fibre-base paper support; surface from glossy to matte; near-neutral image hue during 19th century, neutral to warm hues and great variety of textures during 20th century; probable silver mirroring.
Silver Diffusion Print (Black-and-White Polaroid)
1948 to present
Most popular from 1950s to 1960s. Silver image on a fibre base or RC paper with receiving layer; glossy surface.
Chromomeric Colour Print
1942 to present
Most popular from 1960 to 1990s. Dye in gelatine binder on fibre base or RC paper support or acetate or polyester support; from matte to glossy surface.
Dye Diffusion Print ("Instant Photos")
1963 to present
Most popular from 1970s to 1980s. Dye image on RC paper coated with a receiving layer; glossy surface.
Gelatine Developing-Out Paper, RC base
Late 1960s to present
Most popular from 1980s to 1990s. Silver image in a gelatine binder on RC paper support; from matte to glossy surface; variety of textures; neutral to warm hues; possible silver mirroring.

Reference: http://www.archivaladvisor.org/shtml/gal_phototimeline.shtml

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